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Queensbury Station
1879 - 1955
Great Northern Railway
Contributors:  © Reproduction prohibited / NIgel Callaghan / Paul Holroyd / Mark Neale / Grahame H Beacher
                          Matt c / Des Phillips / Phill Davison / Dave Graham / Mark Pennington / Malcolm Mallison / Richard Kunz / David Webdale
The Routes
The Queensbury lines on this website are split into 4 sections. See links below.
This page covers Queensbury station & the immediate surroundings.

The Queensbury Lines -

Queensbury - Bradford
From a triangular junction on the Hammerton street to Bradford Exchange link, to Thornton, via Manchester road, Horton Park, Great Horton, Clayton & Queensbury.

Queensbury - Halifax
From Queensbury to Halifax via Holmfield Ovenden & North Bridge.

Queensbury - Keighley
From Queensbury to Keighley via Thornton, Denholme, Wilsden, Cullingworth & Ingrow.



Queensbury Station Map 1908
NIgel Callaghan

Opened  12-07-1879
Closed    21-05-1955

Queensbury East Junction : NIgel Callaghan / David Webdale  NIgel Callaghan website - www.pullman-publications.co.uk
Bradford side. Then & now. Recent photo taken 21-08-05.
Queensbury North Junction : NIgel Callaghan / David Webdale
Keighley side. Then & now. Recent photo taken 21-08-05.
Queensbury South  Junction : NIgel Callaghan / David Webdale
Halifax side. Then & now. Recent photo taken 21-08-05. Study the photograph carefully, look closely, its packed with history and detail. Brigg's Tramway is clearly visible, with someone passing the time standing by. A horse and cart are loading/unloading something and you can see the platform above the viaduct.

Queensbury station : NIgel Callaghan website - www.pullman-publications.co.uk
I am compiling a CD in the form of a database. This lists canal and railway tunnels, including those in-service, disused, and those that have been obliterated by either infilling, earthing over or opening-out. This is a fascinating area and I really wonder just how many people fully realise the importance of Queensbury Triangle Station as a site of fascinating railway architecture and heritage. Sadly absolutely nothing now remains of this place, as uncontrolled landfill has taken place over many years and almost nothing at all remains of the Triangle. I would dearly have loved to have visited this place when it was thriving and in its heyday, it had so much to offer.
A triangular Station (one of only two in the entire country) each converging line had a signal box controlling entry into the station, each of the three lines leaving the station entered a lengthy tunnel or a series of tunnels, one of the station platforms was immediately above a viaduct.
The station itself was high in the Pennines and quite some distance from the town of Queensbury that it served. It would have been wonderful to have seen the station at night, all lit-up with gaslights. Also close by and running through the triangle complex was Briggs' Tramway a rope hauled colliery tramway.

I have much to tell about this site and area and since visiting it twice, I have become fascinated with its history. You will be very disappointed and saddened if you visit the site now, everything has gone and millions of tons of inert infill have been dumped along the lines and their cuttings.

Queensbury Station PDF download (14-11-06) : NIgel Callaghan    Click here to download Queensbury Triangular Station pdf file
Pdf file outlining some further detail about the wonderful Queensbury Station. Its just something I've cobbled together hoping it might enlighten new readers and those not familiar with the area to the wonders of the site. Sadly, as you are probably aware, Strines Cutting is currently being infilled and Queensbury Tunnel will be lost, due to the infilling of its airshafts. I'm pleased I was able to view it on a couple of occasions before its finally obliterated.
Queensbury map 1910 : Malcolm Mallison
Queensbury (1910 Survey)
Queensbury 1955 Line Closure & alternate bus services: Paul Holroyd
Click here to see selection of railway tickets & handbills.

The Queensbury Lines : Darren Hosker c/o Paul Holroyd
Youtube from Darren Hosker  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqUtzppBZp4&list=PL-iLBhpCwmO-2RcbZjQZ05YM6Spz_qorN&index=72
Queensbury cycle tunnel gets £1m development funding 15-07-2020 : Paul Holroyd
This image is of `The Economist` headboard to be carried by WVR service trains over 23/24/25th May,
to mark the 60th anniversary of closure of the former GN line. The original was carried on the last regular passenger train.
See Marks Neales Facebook pages https://www.facebook.com/TheQueensburyLines Marks email mnealecity@hotmail.com
This image is of the exhibition in the VCT Museum of Rail Transport at Ingrow which formally opens on Saturday 23rd May.
60 years to the day from when it closed (May 23. 1955). The exhibition will be open until September.
Advance notice of a supporting event on May 30th in the Black Dyke Mills, Queensbury.
Queensbury station interpretation board : Richard Kunz
The interpretation boards are produced for the Great Northern Trail by Richard Kunz.
Queensbury station (21-04-13) : Mark Pennington
This view from Hole Bottom Beck shows the level (centre of shot) of the Bradford-Keighley platforms at Queensbury station.
The gap in the middle is where the station viaduct used to be.
Keighley to Bradford Exchange via Queensbury : Dave Graham (c/o Paul Holroyd)
A simulation of the journey from Keighley to Bradford if the line was still in use today.    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msL3L5t1uAs
Thornton to Halifax via Queensbury : Dave Graham
Following on from my Keighley to Bradford Exchange rail run on a class 158, this video demonstrates the rail journey on the
Thornton to Halifax section via Queensbury. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1CdXnyUdYE&feature=relmfu
Queensbury station facing north (21-08-05) : David Webdale
View from the top of station road. The triangular shape of the station layout can still be seen.
The square chimney to the right of photo is just visible in the Queensbury south jct photo at top of page.
Abutments Station road facing east (21-08-05) : David Webdale
Note :
Mark Neale       website www.queensburyvillage.co
The two stone abutments were part of an ill fated, never built scheme to link Queensbury station with the village by tramway.
The local council and the Great Northern Railway Company spent many years debating how improvements in the route from the station to the town (400 m and I mile difference in height and distance) could be achieved.
It seems that the GNR thought that the Council should finance such improvements whilst the Council thought the GNR should!
Eventually a a few gas lamps and a fingerpost at the top of Station Road, indicating where the station was, were provided by the GN.
At various times a tramway, and a circuitous branch line, climbing to the town were mooted, but never built.
Station road facing west (21-08-05) : Grahame H Beacher   website - http://www.nethernutone.co.uk/
Station house facing east (21-08-05) : David Webdale
Taken from station road, the old station house. That's my missus, she's rock hard, she'll  knock you out.
Bridge at Station Road (20-08-14) : Malcolm Mallison
Bridge at Station Road. A house is under construction on the track bed, and the bridge is going to be a garden feature.
The other side of the bridge is an industrial estate, and covered with fencing. Taken on a 75 year old Leica.
Queensbury station facing west (21-08-05) : David Webdale
View across the triangle from bottom of station road. Queensbury north junction (Keighley side) to the right.
Queensbury south junction (Halifax side) & cutting leading to Queensbury tunnel is to the left.
Queensbury tunnel north portal (24-02-07) : Matt c
Worsening state of Queensbury tunnel including water feature.
The tunnel is a straight 2501 yards. see Queensbury - Halifax entrance looks a bit Gothic arch.
Queensbury tunnel (11-01-13) : Mark Pennington
Queensbury tunnel from Queensbury station, 11 Jan 2013. Note that it is now possible to walk or cycle from Queensbury to Thornton
(behind camera!), as Sustrans has now achieved the opening of this entire section.
Queensbury tunnel Exploration - You Tube Video.
By the Leeds Historical Expedition Society     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfzvrJf5eXc
Stone memorial (24-02-07) : Matt c
A stone memorial at the site of the station. Today I have been down to the Queensbury Triangle and had consequently bumped into the landowner of it who was preparing the site for the Great Northern Railway Trail. He said to me he had bought the land back in 1970. (Matt c)
North junction facing south (21-08-05) : David Webdale
Standing on top of brow lane bridge (Once upon a time called Brook lane)  facing back toward the station.
See Queensbury north junction photo's at top of page.
Queensbury viaduct facing north east (June 88) : Des Phillips
Looking across the triangle
Brow lane bridge facing east (21-08-05) : David Webdale
The Keighley side crossing Brow lane (Originally Brook lane) Nice solid stone bridge in good fettle.
Iron bridge east junction facing east (21-08-05) : David Webdale
Standing on, or near, Queensbury east junction, facing east. This rusty but solid little iron bridge is the only real bit of evidence on the whole site there was actually any railway here at all. Clayton tunnel is a bit further on around the corner.
Iron bridge east junction facing east : Grahame H Beacher   website - http://www.nethernutone.co.uk/
Queensbury east junction : Grahame H Beacher
Clayton tunnel west portal (21-08-05) : David Webdale
Standing on top of a mountain of landfill, peering down at the west portal of Clayton tunnel.
Pile of spoil from the tunnel excavations visible on top. see Queensbury Bradford


Queensbury - Bradford     Queensbury - Halifax     Queensbury - Keighley